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The primary image for a case study featuring Kate Semeniuk, illustrating the successful collaboration and outcomes achieved by Sprobuj Digital Agency in her project.

Kate Semeniuk

Location: Calgary, Canada
Timeline: July 2022 to May 2023


Kate Semeniuk:

Kate Semeniuk is a highly skilled RTT hypnotherapist, specializing in empowering individuals to overcome life's obstacles. She guides clients through anxiety, panic attacks, weight issues, and lack of confidence. Kate's active online presence, particularly on social networks, makes her a trusted resource, offering hope and positive transformation for all seeking personal growth and empowerment.


  • Instagram

  • Production

  • TikTok

  • Website

  • YouTube

  • E-learning

A visual from a photoshoot by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, capturing the essence of the holiday season while reinforcing her strong and consistent brand identity as a hypnotherapist.

Challenges and Goals

Empowering Kate's Hypnotherapy Journey

Challenges and Goals

Kate's Hypnotherapy Journey

Our main task was to create an engaging digital ecosystem that fostered trust, expanded reach, and established a powerful brand image. We aimed to achieve greater involvement from her target audience, ensure a steady surge in consultations, promote new courses, drive online product purchases, and attract substantial traffic to website.

  • Maintaining a consistent and engaging content flow

  • Expanding Kate’s reach and attracting new followers

  • Ensuring high-quality video and photo production

  • Effective Product Launch

  • Creating a website with integrated e-commerce functionality

Empowering Impact

Our dedicated efforts yielded impressive results as we excelled in various digital endeavors. Through strategic management, we substantially increased followers on all social networks (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok), cultivating a loyal and targeted audience. Building a solid foundation, we successfully launched three impactful online products, effectively expanding Kate's reach and influence. With statistical figures showcasing our achievements, we celebrate the power of collaboration and innovation in propelling Kate's hypnotherapy journey to new heights.


Website rebranding

The website rebranding was a strategic initiative to revitalize Kate's digital presence and elevate her online image as a hypnotherapist. By refreshing the design and optimizing the user experience, we aimed to enhance engagement and encourage longer site visits. The new branding showcased Kate's professionalism and expertise, leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

A visual representation of the website design and development process carried out by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, showcasing her online platform's aesthetics and functionality.
A visual representation of the website design and development process carried out by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, showcasing her online platform's aesthetics and functionality.
A visual representation of the website design and development process carried out by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, showcasing her online platform's aesthetics and functionality.
A visual representation of the website design and development process carried out by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, showcasing her online platform's aesthetics and functionality.



A visually captivating page became the canvas to convey Kate's unwavering professionalism, vast experience, and unyielding dedication to her work. This transformation not only elevated her brand image but also sparked a deeper connection with her audience, resulting in heightened engagement and an expanding, diverse following.

A visual representation of the Instagram profile created for Kate Semeniuk by Sprobuj Digital Agency, showcasing her content and style.
A visual representation of the Instagram profile created for Kate Semeniuk by Sprobuj Digital Agency, showcasing her content and style.

Instagram & Facebook


Creating various graphics for posts played a pivotal role in catching the audience's attention, and conveying important messages. Graphics facilitated the incorporation of clear and visually appealing CTAs, guiding the audience to take specific actions.

Instagram & Facebook


Stories allowed us to share authentic and engaging moments, showcasing the human side of Kate as a hypnotherapist. By using this feature, we conveyed her expertise, personal insights, and daily experiences, making her more relatable and approachable to followers.



The creation of engaging reels was a strategic move to leverage the power of short-form videos in expanding Kate's digital influence. Reels allowed us to showcase her expertise, creativity, and authenticity in a captivating and concise format. By utilizing this dynamic feature, we captured the attention of a broader audience and increased brand visibility.



Embracing TikTok unlocked a realm of possibilities for Kate's hypnotherapy journey. Through short, engaging videos, we harnessed the platform's immense potential to reach diverse audiences and showcase Kate's expertise in a fresh and dynamic manner. TikTok allowed us to foster meaningful interactions, spreading awareness about the transformative power of hypnotherapy.


Videos For YouTube

YouTube videos served as a platform for Kate to demonstrate her profound knowledge and commitment as a hypnotherapist, positioning her as a trusted authority in her field. By offering valuable content, she nurtured a community of engaged viewers seeking personal growth and positive change.


July 2022

We organized a family photo session for Kate to reinforce the personal aspect of her brand and connect with her audience on a deeper level. By showcasing Kate's warm and caring nature in a family context, we aimed to build trust and authenticity among her followers. These family photographs served as a reminder that behind her expertise as a hypnotherapist, Kate is a relatable individual with personal values that align with her professional mission.


October 2022

Photoshoot sessions enabled us to tell Kate's story visually, capturing the essence of her journey as a dedicated and compassionate hypnotherapist. Eye-catching photographs enriched her social media profiles, boosting engagement, and attracting a broader audience.


December 2022

The photoshoots allowed us to showcase Kate's warm and approachable personality, creating a deeper connection with her audience. The visuals contributed to shaping a strong and consistent brand identity for Kate as a hypnotherapist, reinforcing her unique value proposition.



Our comprehensive support spanned from filming captivating content and crafting engaging presentations to disseminating crucial information. The thoughtfully designed landing page, coupled with an efficient e-commerce system and a user-friendly learning platform, ensured a seamless enrollment process.

A visual representation of the e-learning website developed by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, providing a platform for her expertise and knowledge to reach a wider audience.
A visual representation of the e-learning website developed by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, providing a platform for her expertise and knowledge to reach a wider audience.
A visual representation of the e-learning website developed by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, providing a platform for her expertise and knowledge to reach a wider audience.
A visual representation of the e-learning website developed by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, providing a platform for her expertise and knowledge to reach a wider audience.
A visual representation of the e-learning website developed by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, providing a platform for her expertise and knowledge to reach a wider audience.
A visual representation of the e-learning website developed by Sprobuj Digital Agency for Kate Semeniuk, providing a platform for her expertise and knowledge to reach a wider audience.
